How to prepare for an interview
At Regeine we will help guide you through all of these steps to prepare for the interview process.
Researching a company before an interview is very important. This will show your interest and confidence in the role.

This will also show if this company is right for you and if it aligns with your values and lifestyle.

What should you research?
1. The company’s culture, mission and values.
2. The company’s recent achievements and news
3. Their clients, products and services
Preparation is key to acing an interview!
Practice and prepare for common interview questions
Some main questions to prepare for are:

1. Tell me about yourself - be clear and concise. Try not to ramble for too long.
2. What do you know about our company? This is where your research comes into play.
3. Why do you want to work for us? Again, this is where your company research will come in handy, show an informed interest in what you like about the company.
4. What can you bring to the role? Talk about your accomplishments and skills.
5. What are your long term goals? Talk about how you want to grow and progress throughout the company.
6. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Align these to the company.
7. Why should we hire you? This gives you a chance to go over your skills again.
8. Do you have any questions? Always have some questions lined up, this shows initiative and shows your interest in the role.
Follow up
Following up after an interview is very important, this shows that you are grateful and excited about the position. This will likely help to increase your chances of getting to the next interview, or offer.

1. If there’s something you forgot to say or want to elaborate on from your interview, this email 2. a great place to mention it.
3. Send your interview follow-up email within 24 hours.
4 .Start with the name of the person who interviewed you. Use their first name if you are on a first-name basis. If not, include both their first and last name.
5. Choose an appropriate length. More concise is appropriate for most cases.
6. Start the email by thanking them for their time.
7. Talk about what excites you about the role
8. Conclude with your skills and why you are the suitable candidate.
For more information
contact one of our consultants on
(09) 600 6629
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